Author, Therapist, Coach, Husband & Father

Hey! I’m Ansar. Founder of ThrivinginRelationships.com, Author, Certified Therapist, Relationships Counsellor and Mental Health Coach. I specialise in teaching relationship and marriage success based around Evolutionary Biology and Psychology related to attraction and mating strategies.

I teach you how to prevent and heal your relationship problems based on predictive frameworks supported by scientific research.

With almost 50% of marriages ending in divorce in current times, I've dedicated myself to a mission to give individuals and couples just like you the skills, knowledge and solutions to overcoming the common causes of break-ups and divorces that I've acquired over the last 10 years. Here's a list of some of the problems I've successfully helped improve and overcome with my past clients:

If you have a problem with any of the above or something else entirely different related to human behaviour and relationships then get in touch and see if I can offer you some direction too.

Relationship Counsellor & Mindset Coach Md Ansar Ali

I combine a decade of experience and study in behavioural psychology, evolutionary biology and evolutionary psychology. As a certified therapist and relationship counsellor, I use an Integrative Therapy approach using a combination of EFT (Emotionally Focused Therapy), REBT (Rational Emotional Behavioural Therapy), CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) and PCT (Person Centred therapy) techniques. The combination of coaching and therapy brings together a natural mix that gives my methods flexibility of approach and a dynamic style based on scientifically tried and tested methods.

This isn't an instant fix or overnight solution. The work I do takes different length of time with different couples and individuals but that's what makes the solution long-term and often permanent.

What I teach you is rewiring of your mind! How to be the version of yourself that is genuinely attractive as a person, that makes your partner want to be with you because you're too good to let go.

I teach you the psychology of people's nature and how to use that knowledge to empower and create meaningful relationships and roles within your life that work. If this is something you love the sound of, then get in touch as I have limited slots.

My passion is to guide you to learn that LOVE is not complicated, unrealistic, scary, unhealthy, false, or controlling! It is beautiful – it’s right in front of you waiting for you to find it!

The only thing holding back your relationship potential is you!

Transform your life, not just your thoughts and emotions!

My Mission is to help give you the guidance you need when it comes to preparing for relationships and self-worth. I aim to equip you with relationship skills and tools to use for your marriage and daily life that you can pass on to your children and theirs after.

You, and only you can make the decision to be the person in charge of your life. Or you can let someone else decide that for you!

I want you to be empowered to have the best relationships you can,  be loved for being yourself and have the confidence to chase what you want and need in life to be happy. Ultimately find the love you deserve!

I would love to help you, if you allow me?